Smržová-Tomanová Bronislava


Bronislava Smržová (Tomanová) graduated at the Pedagogical Faculty of Charles University in Prague and at the Prague conservatory, where she studied singing with Jarmila Krásová. She was awarded in many competitions, e.g. special prize on Mozart competition at the Ad Honorem Mozart Festival in 2009. She participated on Master classes in Prague and abroad, e.g. in Germany with H. Kobayashi, in Brno with M. Beňačková, in Karlovy Vary with M. Blahušiaková, J. Hartfiel and A. Carangelo. She still improves her singing skills with Simona Procházková. She performs with many musical ensembles, she is focused mainly on the songs and on Bohuslav Martinů.

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